Saturday, January 13, 2007

Completely random thoughts strung together...

I wonder if next week at this time I will see fit to be awake and on the frigid beach praying. With an attitude like that, I'm going to make sure that I'm snuggled in my down coat, even if it's snowing on the beach. Especially if it's snowing on the beach.

Last night I learned of another friend that found a lump. I immediately invited her to church on Sunday because Colleen is preaching...and I know that words of healing will flow. In God conquering her encounter with what could have been cancer, my fear of cancer was eradicated. Now, when I hear what was once a four letter word in my mind, I see victory. Technically lump is a four letter word, but I was referring to cancer.

I cannot shut my mind down. I'm really excited about tomorrow. It is amazing how far God has brought my friend. Two years ago, she was in the lowest place possible. God scooped her up and reminded her of who He says she is. Two weeks ago, she had a scare. We all had a scare. And now tomorrow, she has the opportunity to proclaim the goodness of God. At dinner last night, all I could do was smile. She referred to me as the Chesire Cat, or the cat that ate the canary. Now, this morning, I am completely and utterly humbled. How great is our God?!

Of course, I'm also excited at the prospect of an entire weekend of football. And I think that I'm going to be a pastor one day. Can you imagine? Services throughout football season ensuring that all congregants can get to a tv in time to see the game of their choice? I'd be an awesome pastor! :-)

And on that note, I shall end. Before my pastor doesn't send out my recommendation.

I crack myself up. Or maybe it's exhaustion.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

You know, sometimes when I read your blog I'm like, "who is she talking about?...oh that's me!" It's funny to hear how others see you. To me I'm just some random quirky chick who loves Jesus. And this chick is so beyond blessed to have such a great friend as you in her life. You continue to be my cheering section...maybe I should get you some pom poms!! ......and I'm still not making eye contact with you tomorrow morning :)