Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday.

Just wanted to say Happy Birthday Mom! And say a few words.

You are a blessing to me. I don't know what I would do without you...in our best times and our worst times. You are a blessing to our family. God certainly gave you some interesting offspring--both children and grandchildren--and you roll with the punches with the best of 'em. You are a blessing to your friends. Even the friends you attempt to write off who keep popping up in your life with the perfect gift that confirms what God has been speaking into your life.

God has amazing plans for your life. Despite what circumstances currently appear, I know that God is going to bring to pass the dreams and vision that He's planted deep within your heart. Don't lose hope; don't lose heart. Keep walking forward. It doesn't matter whether you take giant leaps or baby steps. God is neither surprised with the size of the step nor is He disappointed.

You have been created for fellowship with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Enjoy your time of fellowship with Him and be satisfied with all that He is. In due time, you will reap a harvest.

Happy Birthday Moms!

1 comment:

Deborah' Empathetic Ear said...

Thank you for not putting 52 candles on the cake, I would have hated to see the blog site in a blaze. God can only write people off. I get that!
That was that judgemental thing again. One step forward three behind. They could make a slowsky comercial of me. God is up there going baby steps Debbie come on I'll catch you....
Love ya Neen..
I am so proud of you.
Thank you for being a friend as well as a daughter.