Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What happens in women's ministry.....

Stays in women's ministry. Unless you have a blogger in the crowd. Muahahaha....(that is supposed to translate into the laugh of a mad scientist...or a witch...)

Tonight I went to a meeting for our first annual Real Life Women's Retreat. I went in apprehensively. I know that we have some amazing women in my church, but that doesn't make it easier to consider spending an entire weekend together. In a small hotel. Without the autonomy of one's own car. When your greatest fear is a group of women in a small space.

So, tonight as we were discussing the food that will be served at the reception, I learned a lot of useful information. About the wonders of menopause. Hot flashes. Snoring. A myriad of things that make me want to invent anti-aging serum. I literally plugged my ears at one point. I almost started humming.

You see, I was inducted into some women's Ya-Ya Sisterhood tonight. If I tell of the specifics of the things I learned, I may become shark food sometime between Jan. 19 and the 20th.

Over the past few weeks, I've wanted to get to know some of the women in church. So, I am looking forward to having the opportunity to develop those relationships. I am willing to begin to let my guard down so that people get to know me.

So, I am going to the retreat. Cautiously optimistic. But I am going.

1 comment:

Chill Pastor said...

If it makes you feel any better, when men get together we are a just as crazy if not worse than you ladies....There is lots to be learned from those ladies that have been through the season that you are in...go with eyes wide open...God has something in store...I promise you!!!
