Saturday, October 28, 2006

Giggle moment

I know that God takes us from glory to glory. I know that God can do ALL things. I know that God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. I completely believe that God is omnipotent. Yet, when God shows me these qualities, I almost always have a Sarah moment. You know the moment. God tells Abraham that he will be the father of many nations. And Sarai laughs because she's just a few decades beyond child-bearing age. And then she finds herself pregnant with Isaac.

Here's my Sarah moment for the day. Tomorrow we are going to be giving out cookies at Halloween in the Park in Lion's Lake Park in Voorhees. It's an amazing opportunity to reach more people than we can even imagine. So, my mom and I met Pastor John and Matthew in the store today to pick up the 1200 cookies we are going to be giving out. Mom and I were there a bit early, so we picked up the cookies after chatting with the bakery ladies for a bit. Then we went off to find some baggies, and in that aisle, we talked with a Genuardi's worker. We met up with Pastor John and Matthew and walked to the checkout. Many jokes were shared about our large number of cookies as the checkout gal scanned our items. I gave her my Genuardi's card, and we got the total. I was quoted a price of $3.99 per 24 cookies, which would have come to about $250 dollars. We also purchased 4 boxes of baggies at $4.99 per box. We were expecting a total of in the ballpark of $300. Instead, our total came to the astonishing price of $29.42. Yes, you read it right. I did not mess up the decimals. On the receipt, it shows that we saved $236.00. God is freaking amazing.

Even though I was standing there when we saw the total, I cannot stop giggling increduously everytime I think about it.

God is awesome. Never doubt it.

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