Saturday, December 30, 2006

A day in my life...

I should be sleeping, like a normal person who has to get up in the morning. But...I'm not normal, and I'm only a little sleepy.

I have to much to say tonight, so many thoughts going through my head that my writing ability is clogged.

I ran into people that I've not seen for quite some made me happy and one made me sad.

I made a new contact who I suspect can turn into, at the very least, a partnership of sorts. A really neat lady with a really neat vision with a really neat store...the cornerstone of the Eagle Plaza in Voorhees. Speaking with her reminded me of what God has called me to do, and that I am on the right path.

I watched a movie that made my life appear much more...simple? isolated? spoiled? I don't really know how I feel about my life, but I do know that I want to make a difference in the third world, not just in the US. Acts 1:8 challenges us to go into all of the world and make disciples. For now, I'm here in NJ. Once God opens the door for short term trips, I'm on the next plane.

That's today in a nutshell. A whole bunch of pieces that seem not to fit together that equal a day in my life.

And I can't wait until tomorrow.

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